Error message

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Electronic Professional License Process

To apply for your Cedula Profesional Electrónica you need to:

  1. Go to and fill out the application form.
  2. Request your digital degree through Trámites para la obtención del título.


  • To the graduates whose Title (physical parchment) is with date of issue from September 06, 2018 to date, the electronic format is being generated automatically, without them needing to request it or require it and of course, the notification of the generation of this electronic format will be made known to the interested party in the email that he/she has entered in the application for issuance of title (physical parchment).
  • Graduates whose degree (physical parchment) was issued prior to September 6, 2018, will request the generation of the electronic format by sending a request to the e-mail address that appears on our registration page.
  1. Have your e.firma (if you do not have it, you can make your appointment at ).
  2. Make the payment of the procedure.